Category: FAQ

What is a Passive House?

What is a Passive House?

Passivhaus (or Passive House) is an advanced low-energy construction standard for buildings. The principle utilises high-performance insulation to make a building completely draught-free, effectively eliminating heat loss to create a building with a very low...
What is a Passive House?

Will having my home insulated reduce my energy bills?

Yes – Properly insulating your property is one of the best ways to keep down the amount of money you spend on your energy bills. With insulation, you can save hundreds of pounds year on year. On average, cavity wall insulation will save you around £255 a year in...
What is a Passive House?

Is home insulation tax deductible?

If the insulation is for your primary residence and not linked to a property used for work, then the answer is no. If you use your property as a home office, most types of insulation, e.g. EWI, cavity wall, double or triple glazing, become part of the building and...
What is a Passive House?

What type of home insulation is best?

This depends on which part of the property you are talking about. To make a property genuinely energy-efficient, all aspects need to work together. There would be little effect, for example, if you insulated all the walls but left the roof/loft uninsulated, as all the...