The UK Government has unveiled a new home improvement scheme that will see hundreds of thousands of homeowners eligible for vouchers to help improve the energy efficiency of their properties.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak revealed details of the £2bn “Green Homes Grant” as part of a wider £3bn plan to cut carbon emissions as the economy bounces back from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown.
This scheme will see the Government paying at least two-thirds of the cost of energy efficiency-boosting measures on peoples homes, with £5,000 vouchers available for most, and £10,000 vouchers available for the poorest households. As an example, “a homeowner of a semi-detached or end-of-terrace house could install cavity wall and floor insulation for about £4,000 – the homeowner would pay £1,320 while the government would contribute £2,680”.
When Does the Green Homes Grant Start?
The new Green Homes Grant scheme is to launch in September 2020. No details of how long it will run for have yet been revealed, but it was announced that around half of the fund will be spent in the first calendar year after launch.
How Does the Green Homes Grant Work?
To get the funding help for these measures, details of accredited local suppliers will be posted and online applications will be made for recommended energy efficiency measures, such as cavity wall insulation or solid wall insulation. Once one of these suppliers has provided a quote and the work is approved, the voucher to cover the costs is issued.
Things to Consider
Whilst we believe that this scheme is good news as it will help more people to save money and reduce their carbon footprint, there are a few things to be wary of when schemes like these are revealed.
- Be Wary of Unapproved Door Knockers – When news of schemes like these come out, so too do the door knockers. Unfortunately there are many “cowboys” or unaccredited companies out there who will try to capitalise on this scheme to get work. It’s always important to dig deep on any company and ensure that they are legitimate – don’t sign up on the doorstep.
- Check Examples of Companies Work – Any home insulation company worth their salt will have a wide range of former projects that they will be happy to share to show off the quality of their work. If you’re looking to deal with an insulation company that you aren’t familiar with, always ask for examples of work. We share our projects here on our website in our case studies section.
- Ask About Products – It’s always a good idea to ask prospective companies what sort of products that they use, even if you’re not a technical expert. Look for products approved either by the BBA or KIWA.
- Contact Credible Companies – There are certain websites or groups out there who share the details of fully qualified, credible companies. Websites such as INCA are always a great place to go when looking for someone to carry out this type of work.

Here at Westville, we have been providing home insulation through Government grant schemes for over 30 years, with a stellar track record of delivering high-quality work to customers all across the region. So, if you are interested about insulating your home or would like to know more about the Green Homes Scheme, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team today who will be more than happy to help.